I am interested in a Gate Mate nozzle assembly, but I want to process glass-filled thermoplastic. Can I do this?
It depends on the application, the bushing assembly, the tip or tip assembly used, and in some cases, on the heater assembly used.Gate Mate Lite assemblies are not to be used for processing filled thermoplastics, and are not recommended to be used in thermoplastics that require greater than 480°F (249°C) melt processing temperature. For the Mini Gate Mate, Medium Gate Mate/Gate Mate 4, and Jumbo Gate Mate, it may be possible to process filled thermoplastic depending on the tip used as well as the application. In general, standard point tips, standard super-sharp tips (standard super-sharp tips are available for the Medium Gate Mate/Gate Mate 4 only), and standard through-hole tips (not available for the Mini Gate Mate), are not to be used to process filled thermoplastics and are not to be used for processing thermoplastics that require greater than 480°F (249°C) melt processing temperature.
Depending on the application, wear-resistant point tips, wear-resistant super sharp tips (only available for the Medium Gate Mate/Gate Mate 4), and wear-resistant through-hole tips (not available for the Mini Gate Mate), may be used with filled thermoplastics (not recommended for thermoplastics that have greater than 30% filler including glass, mineral, talc, other), and are not recommended to be used in applications requiring greater than 635°F (335°C)melt processing temperature. Please note that even though wear-resistant tips may be used in select filled applications that do not exceed 635°F (335°C) melt processing temperature, only the Mini Gate Mate has a CIH heater option at this time. The Medium Gate Mate/Gate Mate 4 and Jumbo Gate Mate assemblies do not have a CIH heater option. In general it is not recommended to use the SCH coil heaters in applications that exceed 525°F (274°C) melt processing temperature. Some customers have had success using SCH heaters in applications that require greater melt processing temperatures that exceed 525°F (274°C), however this success largely depends on the molding application. If you are unfamiliar with using Gate Mate bushing assemblies for applications that require greater than 525°F (274°C) melt processing temperature, it is recommended that you consider using a D-Max Hot Sprue Bushing assembly with heated head. Similarly if you are building a multi-nozzle, thermally gated manifold system yourself and you expect to exceed 525°F (274°C) melt processing temperature, it is recommended that you consider using Stellar or Hot One nozzle assemblies depending on the part weight. If you have questions, please call your DME Customer Service Representative who will put you in contact with a DME Technical Service Representative to review your application. In general, Gate Mate nozzles and bushings should be used to process commodity grade resins only. Only the Mini Gate Mate with CIH heater can be used to process engineered grade resins.
I am retrofitting a mold with a Gate Mate nozzle that requires a different body length than what is offered as standard. Can I have a special nozzle body length made by DME?
It is recommended against using nozzle lengths that differ from standard offering as the nozzle and/or bushing SCH and CIH heaters have been developed over many years, and special orders could increase both product price and delivery time required. It is recommended to use the next longer length (if available) and use a spacer plate behind the A-plate to make up the required difference. Please note that if a special nozzle length is required, it may not be possible to order a special nozzle length depending on the requirement. In such cases, please contact your DME Customer Service Representative for assistance.
I have purchased a DME Gate Mate Nozzle or Bushing assembly and I would like to reduce the amount of heat drawn at nozzle body seal-off diameter. Where can I find instructions for this?
Do not relieve or modify the seal-off diameter on the Gate mate nozzle or bushing body.
I would like a CIH heater for the Jumbo or Medium Gate Mate/Gate Mate 4 series nozzles and bushings. Are these heaters available?
At this moment, CIH heaters are not available for Jumbo Gate Mate bushings, Medium Gate Mate bushings, or Gate Mate 4 nozzles. CIH heaters are available for Mini Gate Mate nozzles and bushings only. For more details on what products are available, please refer to the DME Hot Runner catalog.
I would like a CIH heater that is “Slip on”, like an SCH heater. Is this available?
Yes, the 250,375 and 625 series offer CIH “slip-on” heaters.
I would like some information on servicing or installing my Gate Mate nozzle or bushing assembly. Where can I find that information?
The necessary information is located in the “Resources” section of the DME Website, under “Packing Slips”, and can be found here. If you have a question that is not covered by the product packing slip/installation instruction, please contact your DME Customer Service Representative for assistance.
I would like to gate into a dimple. Can I modify a standard Gate Mate (Mini, Medium/Gate Mate 4, Jumbo) gate detail?
It may be possible depending on intended application. Please contact your DME Customer Service Representative for assistance.
I would like to perform frequent color changes. What do I need with my bushing order?
Gate shell insulators are available for Jumbo Gate Mate Bushings, Medium Gate Mate Bushings, and Gate Mate 4 nozzles. Gate Shell insulators are not available for the Mini Gate Mate as the “gate well” (the space in the gate detail between the nozzle body and the cavity gate) is small. Gate Shell Insulators are not available at this time for Gate Mate Lite nozzle assemblies.